In 1865 Minnesota City was in its heyday. There were two hotels there then, a brewery, three general stores, a cooper shop and a brickyard which employed 22 men. (The Winona Republican-Herald, Saturday, April 12, 1947, Page 7)
Brick. There are five brick yards in the different valleys adjacent to Winona, having all they can do at an average price of ten dollars per thousand for their manufactures. …Mr. Vills, six men. (Winona Daily Republican, Monday Evening, May 25, 1868, Page 3)
Brick! Brick! 75,000 brick on hand and offered for sale at the Minnesota City Brick Yard. Otto Vill. (The Winona Daily Republican, Saturday, June 6, 1868, Page 3)
Ville, Otto…Minnesota City (Merwin’s Business Directory of Minnesota For 1869-70, Heman Merwin, Saint Paul, 1869, Page 88)