N. St. Anthony, of Browersville, Minn., contemplates establishing a brickyard at Parkers Prairie, Minn. (The Clay Worker, T. A. Randall & Co., Indianapolis, June 1903, Volume XXXIX, Number 6, Page 688)
For Sale Cheap. One complete stiff mud brick outfit, including engine and boiler, or will sell any part of the outfit. For particulars, address, N. St. Anthony, Clarissa, Minn. (Clay Record, Clay Record Publishing Company, Chicago, IL, June 15, 1908, Volume XXXII, Number 11, Page 36)
N. St. Anthony, Clarissa, Minn., intends to change his plant from stiff mud to soft mud. (Brick and Clay Record, Kenfield-Leach Company, Chicago, IL, October 1908, Volume XXIX, Number 4, Page 460)
At Clarissa Spur, near the station of Clarissa, this county (Todd), a plant is making use of a sandy laminated clay. The clay is known to be 12 feet thick with an overburden of only 2 or 3 feet, and extends over several acres. Brick are made by the soft-mud process and the plant has a capacity of 10,000 brick per day. (Clays and Shales of Minnesota, Frank F. Grout and E. K. Soper, The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1914, Page 161)