Post #2

This new web site is up and running, thanks to my great webmaster! Be patient though, this is a slow process. Even so, we have already made some strides. We are starting with the five types of Minnesota bricks that we know the most about, which are Shakopee, Chaska, New Ulm, Lake Mary, and Springfield. I do not claim to be a Minnesota brick expert, but I love the old brick structures (farm houses, barns, silos, etc.) which still dot the Minnesota landscape. I know these structures are becoming less common, so I would like to help preserve some of them in some way. This web site is my best idea to accomplish that task. In my travels around Minnesota, I have seen all the five types of brick. I really do not have a favorite, but like the entire concept of these old bricks - I like history, I like farming, and I like old brick buildings. In the near future, I would like to provide some of the pictures, articles, and information I have about each of these Minnesota bricks. I own at least one of each of the bricks, four of them have names printed on them. 

The Lake Mary bricks were not made with a name on them, at least to my knowledge. I would also like to do some digging through the historical societies for more information. My goal is to make a site that has information that anyone can freely use. When I was learning more information about each of these bricks, it was hard to come by. With the advent of the worldwide web, information was still limited. Even today, it is hard to find information on these old bricks and brickmakers. So we have started with the headings we would like to expand on. I have added a couple of pictures, but I have many more that I will slowly add in. I wanted to get an article on ACO bricks added quickly, because it is very informative. I received the author and newspapers' permission to post it, and thought it was great. These are tidbits of information that need to be available to those history buffs out there. Today I added an old postcard of the Ochs Brick Company, which I also think is neat. Hope you enjoy them!

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