O. K. Berget
Manager of the Northwestern Fair in Crookston, 1914
Crookston Daily Times
Monday Evening, June 15, 1914
Volume XXXIV, Number 157, Page 1
Page 269
Olaus K. Berget, the only living son of Knute O. and Marie Berget, was born at Rock Creek, Mitchell county, Iowa, November 21, 1874. He is now filling the position of deputy clerk of court in Crookston, and is a man of excellent business education and high standing in his community. When he was but four years of age he removed with his parents to Minnesota, and his boyhood was spent on the farm in Lowell township in Polk county. Having finished the course of study in the common schools, he attended in turn the city school in Crookston and the Crookston College, where he completed a course in 1890. He distinguished himself in penmanship and bookkeeping, and the following year was installed as teacher of those branches in the college. This, however, kept him much from home and his aged father and mother, and he engaged a school near his home, teaching several terms. In the fall of 1896 he spent a short time in the county auditor’s office, and was then engaged to fill a
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vacancy in the county treasurer’s office. He continued there until about 1899, and in February of that year entered upon his present duties as deputy clerk of court. He had assisted in managing the home farm and estate for some years past and upon his father’s death was appointed administrator of the estate.
Mr. Berget was married January 11, 1899, to Miss Gina M. Lee, a native of Wisconsin. One child has been born to bless this union, Olava Lydia, whose birth is dated December 15, 1899. Mr. Berget is a citizen of true worth and is active in local affairs. Politically he is a Populist and stands firmly for reform principles. He attends the United Lutheran church, and is highly esteemed and respected in his community.
Compendium of History and Biography of Northern Minnesota
George A. Ogle & Company, Chicago, IL, 1902
O. K. Berget, 68, Dies Today
Olaus K. Berget, 68, for many years prominent in civic affairs, died in a local hospital shortly after midnight today after a short illness.
Born November 21, 1874, at Osage, Iowa, Mr. Berget came to this locality as a young man and had resided here ever since. In December he went to Provo, South Dakota, as a checker in a defense plant, where he worked until four days ago when he returned and entered a hospital, seriously ill. He had been hospitalized in Provo before returning here.
Surviving him are three daughters – Florence of Fargo, Mabel of Crookston, and Mrs. Mitchell N. Zeller of St. Paul – and two sons, Staff Sgt. John Berget, stationed in North Africa, and George, of Camp Campbell, Kentucky. There are also three grandchildren. Mrs. Berget passed away February 10, 1939. Also preceding him in death were three daughters, Alice Joyce, Marie, and Olive.
During his years in Crookston Mr. Berget held many county and city offices. At various times he was deputy clerk of court, deputy county auditor, and a member of the staff in the county treasurer’s office. At one time he was also employed at the Crookston Fiber Mill. His last city office before he left for Provo was that of assistant city assessor. He was a member of Trinity Lutheran church.
Funeral arrangements are pending, awaiting word from his son George.
Crookston Daily Times
June 22, 1943
Volume LVIII, Number 103, Page 5

Crookston Daily Times
Monday Evening, June 15, 1914
Volume XXXIV, Number 157, Page 1