Was Buried Alive. Fergus Falls, Minn., Feb. 24. – Albert Anderson was killed at Battle Lake last night by the caving in of a ledge of clay under which he was working in a brickyard. John Rustad was also buried in the cave in but was rescued alive. (The Winona Republican-Herald, Wednesday, February 24, 1904, Page 1)
Battle Lake, Minn. – A. C. Hatch may add machinery to his brick yard for the manufacture of tiling. (Brick, Kenfield Publishing Company, Chicago, March 1906, Volume XXIV, Number 3, Page 165)
Laminated clays are known at two points near the town of Battle Lake. Here, Mr. A. C. Hatch established a brick yard, using a clay which he had found across the lake. The clay was mined by blasting when frozen, and hauled across the lake on the ice. A moderate success was made of a small plant, but the clay is nearly exhausted. (Clays and Shales of Minnesota, Frank F. Grout and E. K. Soper, The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1914, Page 141)