The 1870 United States census showed Frederick Baumer (age 28, born in Germany, farmer) married to Gisina (age 24, born in Germany) and living in St. Augusta Township, Stearns County, Minnesota. Children Henry (age 3, born in Minnesota) and Katharina (age 1, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

The 1880 United States census showed Friedrich Beumer (age 39, born in Prussia, farmer) married to Gisina (age 35, born in Prussia) and living in St. Augusta Township, Minnesota. Children Henry (age 13, born in Minnesota), Katherine (age 11, born in Minnesota), Anny (age 9, born in Minnesota), Mary (age 7, born in Minnesota), John (age 4, born in Minnesota), and Louise (age 1, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

The 1885 Minnesota census showed Frederick Beumer (age 45, born in Germany) married to Gesina (age 39, born in Germany) and living in St. Augusta, Minnesota. Children Henry (age 18, born in Minnesota), Katherin (age 16, born in Minnesota), Anna (age 14, born in Minnesota), Mary (age 10, born in Minnesota), John (age 8, born in Minnesota), Louise (age 6, born in Minnesota), Frederick (age 4, born in Minnesota), and Therese (age 1, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

The 1895 Minnesota census showed Fred Beumer (age 54, born in Prussia, farmer) married to Jesina (age 49, born in Prussia) and living in St. Augusta, Stearns County, Minnesota. Children Cath (age 25, born in Minnesota), John (age 17, born in Minnesota), Louise (age 15, born in Minnesota), Theressa (age 12, born in Minnesota), and Moritz (age 10, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

The 1900 United States census showed Fritz Buemer (age 59, born in February 1841 in Germany) married to Kasena (age 54, born in October 1845 in Germany) and living in St. Augusta Township, Stearns County, Minnesota. Son Fritz (age 19, born in May 1881 in Minnesota) and Theresa (age 16, born in July 1883 in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

The 1910 United States census showed Ferdinand Beumer (age 70, born in Germany, farmer) living in St. Augusta Township, Stearns County, Minnesota. Children Ferdinand (age 28, born in Minnesota), Emma (daughter-in-law, age 25, born in Minnesota), Moritz (age 33, born in Minnesota), and Bergitta (grandchild, age 7 months, born in Minnesota) also lived with Frederick.

Page 937. Frederick Beumer, pioneer and veteran of the Civil War, has had much to do with the development of the township of St. Augusta, where he has lived for so many years. He was born in Germany, February 27, 1841, and received a good education in the land of his birth. At the age of sixteen he set sail for America with his father and mother, Henry Casper and Louise (Rotman) Beumer. The family lived in Cincinnati for about six months, and then came directly west to St. Augusta township, where they took a homestead in sections 10 and 15. Father and son worked together, became influential farmers and erected a fine home. In 1864, Frederick Beumer enlisted in Company F, Eleventh Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, saw active service at Nashville, Tenn., and was mustered out at Ft. Snelling at the close of the war. Even before his service in the South he had demonstrated his courage and bravery in the face of danger. During the Indian uprising he was the only one in the neighborhood who remained at home, and it devolved upon him to look after the affairs of his neighbors, take care of the stock, and carry provisions for those who had sought shelter in the stockade. Often suspicious looking Indians came around, and he was frequently aroused by their presence, but none of them ever harmed him. Upon his return from the Civil War, Mr. Beumer resumed his work on the farm, and after his father's death started in for himself. He has prospered exceedingly, and at one time owned several hundred acres in St. Augusta township. He now

Page 938. makes his home with his son, Fred. During his years of active farm work he erected a slightly residence, and a splendid brick barn said to be the largest of its kind in the county. His honesty and his willingness to lend a helping hand to the needy has won for him the respect and esteem of a large community. A devout Catholic, his ideals and life have been in keeping with the high standards set by that church, and his children are worthily following in his footsteps. Mr. Beumer was married in May, 1866, to Gesina Eilers, an estimable woman in every sense of that noble word. She was born in Germany, March 9, 1846, and died in St. Augusta township, April 14, 1905. The children are as follows: C. H., of St. Augusta; John, of St. Augusta; Katherine, now wife of Nicholas Pesh, of Luxemburg township; Anna, now wife of Joseph Thole, of St. Cloud; Mary, now wife of John Schlagheck, of St. Augusta township; Louise, now wife of John Trestka, of St. Cloud township; Fred, of St. Augusta township; Theresa, now wife of George Reishel, of St. Cloud; and Moritz, of St. Augusta township. (History of Stearns County Minnesota, Volume II, William Bell Mitchell, H. C. Cooper, Jr., & Co., Chicago, 1915)

Frederick Beumer died September 7, 1922, in Stearns County, Minnesota.

Frederick Beumer Barn in 2009 (click to enlarge)
(click to enlarge)