THE above is a cut of our Improved Horizontal Nameless Brick Machine
and Pug Mill combined, for which we make the following claims:
1st. - Our Nameless brick machine has given satisfaction in the past
years and the numerous testimonials more than confirms every claim we make.
With this machine brick-makers can use any kind of clay, lumpy, wet or dry,
direct from the clay bank and make a good merchantable brick.
2nd. - The clay is fed through our One Roller Disintegrator, which is on top
of pug mill, which shaves the clay and leaves it in a loose open condition, so it can
take water readily. From this it enters into our Horizontal Pug Mill, which has
again as much grinding capacity as any other machine in use. The top of the
machine is left open from one end to the other, so the temperer can regulate the
water and keep the clay evenly tempered for the machine to make a compact,
solid brick.
3rd. - Our Press Box is filled with clay from one end to the other by a wiper,
said wiped is keyed on lower end of a 3 1/2 inch shaft, and is driven by bevel
gears which will not wear out in ten years. Said wiper has two wings and each
wing shoves clay into press box, making press box even full all over before press
plunger presses, so that every corner of the brick will get the full benefit of the
pressure from the press plunger, which has given proof that it will make a better
compact, solid, square brick on the market to-day. This machine is very strong
and simple. You can make from 45,000 to 50,000 brick in ten hours. This
machine runs very easy and weighs about 10,000 lbs.
We cannot fully describe our machines here for lack of space.
This Machine is practically the same as the large machine with the exception
that it has not the Pug Mill and Disintegrator. This Machine weighs about
6,000 lbs, and makes from 30,000 to 40,000 brick per day. The clay is put
in the pit and thoroughly soaked overnight before using with this machine.
We have a mould protector on all our machines, and we claim it to be the
best on the market. It never fails.
This machine is principally the same as the above, with the exception that
it has two gears less and the upright shaft a foot longer with a sweep rest on
same. We furnish a truck with all our machines, these trucks being very
handy to move the machine from one pit to another. The machine weighs
about 5,000 lbs and makes from 15,000 to 20,000 brick per day.
Weekly Valley Herald
Volume XXXVIII, Number 28, Page 7
Thursday, April 5, 1900