Summer Fair Season

There is nothing like summer in Minnesota.  Lakes, warm weather, lush summer vegetation, and….county fairs in Minnesota!  I decided to combine a brick outing and a trip to the Polk County Fair in Fertile, Minnesota.  The PCF runs for about 5 days around the Fourth of July, which happen to be during some of the…

Highway 10 Searches

In my travels to learn more about the early brick makers of west central and central Minnesota, I took a trek down United States Highway 10.  This time, my trip started out at Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, where I did a little fishing from the public docks along the big lake.  Not much biting this time…

Grouping Together

What happened to all the old Minnesota brick makers?  With greater numbers of people moving into the state, there would always be a need for brick, right?  Yet, in the early 1900s, there were hints that the industry was already hurting.  To find the answers to these questions, I have sought out some of the…

New Updates

The process of adding additional historical Minnesota brickyard locations to this web site is really coming along nicely.  I saw one source claim that nearly every growing frontier town in the state of Minnesota had a brickyard at some point.  I can tell you without a doubt that this statement is an exaggeration.  However, there…

Welcome To 2010

Welcome to 2010!  This web site devoted to historical Minnesota bricks has high hopes for the New Year.  How about a peak into the future?  We are still planning on adding a graphic from the early 1900s that shows where all the old brickyards were.  This is not an all encompassing graphic though, some towns…

Winter Arrives

Welcome to December!  In the world of historic Minnesota brick making, all the brickyards would probably be closed down now for the winter months.  They would probably continue to sell any remaining bricks from the summer’s batch, but brick making was a seasonal job.  With the approach of winter, the construction season was also winding…